Legal Disclaimer

The opinions stated here in this ‘blog or elsewhere on my web site are my own. Any or all facts (real or imagined) are typically presented from my personal point of view. Furthermore these facts and opinions do not necessarily represent or even agree with those of my family, my employer, the US Government, any other organization, or entity (real or imagined). Any similarity (real or imagined) to other individuals, animals, places, items or concepts is purely coincidental.


Rap Othello 

For the Shakespeare fans out there: I recently ran across a version of the RSC's Rap Othello and was ammused. You can find it on their download page. Enjoy!

Reduced Shakespeare Company - Downloads


Blog & E-mail Fixed!!!  

Moving my site to a new hosting provider has fixed much of the problems I was having with both my blog and with my soot-n-smoke.ocm e-mail. I can again publish (not just post) entries to my blog and now anyone with a blogger account can comment on my blog entires.

Also I've reorginized the way e-mail to gets handled so most of the 5000+ junk e-mails I was getting each day now bounce when the spammer's server try's to upload them. I've also set up TomS at Soot and Smoke dot com to forward to my yahoo account that I can easily check from my phone.

New Web Hosting Provider 

Sorry I havent posted any updates in the past couple of weeks. I've been having trouble with my hosting provider. I'm in the process of moving my whole web site to LunarPages. As part of this move, Im also changing the way my email gets filtered.


Wired News: Wi-Fi Shootout in the Desert 

I think this kind of amature radio stuff is cool.

Wired News: Wi-Fi Shootout in the Desert