Legal Disclaimer

The opinions stated here in this ‘blog or elsewhere on my web site are my own. Any or all facts (real or imagined) are typically presented from my personal point of view. Furthermore these facts and opinions do not necessarily represent or even agree with those of my family, my employer, the US Government, any other organization, or entity (real or imagined). Any similarity (real or imagined) to other individuals, animals, places, items or concepts is purely coincidental.


Atom & Blog "Plug-ins" 

I've been exploring Weblogs lately. I read a few on a regular basis, generally just from bookmarks. Recently I set up a web log for my Dad, as that seem to be what he really needs as far as a web site. In doing so came across the Atom API. The more I learn about the technology behind weblogs the more it looks like a "power to the people" kind of "killer app" in it's early stages. Much like HTTP and HTML did in the early '90s.

While I'm only tangentially interested in the syndication and aggregation side, I'm very interested in the authoring side. Specifically in developing a few 'blog plug-ins. An example a 'blogger might have a home weather station that reports temp, pressure, humidity, etc. and want to post the local conditions on his weblog. If enough 'bloggers could regularly post this data to their weblogs using a standardized schema it might be of interest to weather researchers and forecasters. This could be easily accomplished with a plug-in that runs on the 'blogger's home PC and regularly posts the local weather conditions and station / location info to the weblog via the Atom API.

Again while I've got numerous ideas, I haven't got as much time to work on them as I'd like. If you're also interested drop me a note.


Need a Digital Camera 

Now that I've got a Photo Gallery script installed I need to get a digital camera so I have something to post in it.

Dad's new web site 

Did a major overhaul of Dad's web site this weekend. First I set Blogger to post to his homepage. Then I got our web hosting company to install a photo gallery script called Copper Mine. Finally I edited the various templates and style sheets to give the site a consistent look and feel.

Vaulting Demo at Small Farm Expo 

The Redwing Vaulters presented a half hour demonstration of equestrian vaulting at the WSU Co-op Extension's Small Farm Expo. About 50 people watched 17 vaulters and four coaches perform on both the horse and on the barrel.